OK, OK Already...

In response to the countless requests I have for
personal training
for Joomla based Websites, I offer you...

x10 People ONLY!
Internet Marketing

In This Program, I'm Going To Give You
2 Fully Functional Web 2.0 Joomla Community Websites
and then Give You the Personal Attention you want and the Hands-On Training you need to finally learn how to use WEB 2.0 COMMUNITY WEBSITES that you can Sell Products On, Comunicate to Your Customers with and catapult you onto the Internet and Into the Big Leagues.

Walk in a Newbie
Walk out a Master!

At Last , A Program Tailored to show you

It is all about Web 2.0

Here's the catch...

No Grumps, No Whiners
(drinking winers ok ;-)

or Negative Attitudes Allowed!

This is a VERY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to get the training that everyone is asking for while spending
a close intimate weekend with me (Dori) my
partner (Jill) on our 2 ranches

with 4 dogs, 9 barn cats, 5 horses, 1 mule, 1 cow, 4 goats,
2 potbellied pigs, 1 rescued finch, and I don’t even know how many chickens

and can you say ...
“organic free-range eggs" every morning? ;-)

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur:

If you're like many people, you are very successful at many things. You probably already have your own business or are about to embark on one. Or maybe you're just inspired to save the world with a great idea.

Here's the problem...

You need a website, but you aren't very technical, and don't even want to be. You try to hire folks to make a website. You've even have folks volunteer to make one for you.

But then it takes forever to get them to make any changes that YOU KNOW are simple and it just drives you NUTS!

You hear all about this Web 2.0 business and how wonderful community/membership sites are. You have a great idea for one or perhaps you have a club or community that needs one, but, frankly, you don't even know where to start as it all just seems Greek to you.

And THEN, when you find out how much it costs to have one built for you, you faint because you could have made 2 mortgage payments for the amount the webmasters want to charge, and that's not even counting the fees to update it.

You've wanted to get your thoughts up on the web and have heard that having a blog would be the way to go, but getting someone to SHOW you how to do it never happens.

No one teaches
the Basics of Building a
Community Website in Joomla.

Until Now that is,
but still only for a VERY LUCKY FEW.

Here's the deal…

I've been around the Internet marketing block several times. I am one of those who paid butt loads of money for the high priced seminars, and scramble for every resource and nugget of information I could get my hands on to make it all work together.

I've been online since 1993 and marketing with my own websites since 2000.

I have been living on what I make on the Internet (for over 6+ years) selling products and playing the Adsense game.

I just spoke at Yanik Silver's prestigious Underground Marketers Seminar where I shared many of the tips and tricks I've learned along the way. I was also just voted "Best Speaker" at Jeff Johnson's Seminar!

dori friend speaking

Before that, I was a software designer for Apple Computer.
So yes, I am a Geek.

Here's my demo reel from those days:


Because I worked at Apple and lived and breathed "Ease of Use," I gained a special talent for making things EASY... or Idiot Proof rather. I can take something complex and put it into step-by-step instructions that even a 10 year old (or should I say a 40-70 year old ;-) can understand.

Even though I've been teaching advanced SEO strategies for the last couple of years, my clients have literally begged me to just do a class on the Building Joomla Community Based Websites!

You know, the stuff no one teaches but everyone needs to learn.

So finally, after some major persuasion...

I put together a program that includes 2 webinars, a ton of instructional videos and ends with an onsite hands-on workshop wher I will 10 very lucky individuals into my home (resort ranches actually) for 5 days, 4 nights in a FULL 3-day working weekend to teach you the "mechanics" of of building a Full Blown Community Website in Joomla.

Look at who uses Joomla!

I will hold your hand (well, not really hold it, but you know what I mean) and give you the attention you need to get online with a website business. (In most cases you won't even have to touch a piece of HTML code! ;-)

Look at how easy it is!!

And...Here is just PART of what I am going to give you...

Web 2.0 is here and to be apart of it you need community/membership type websites so your members can engage with each other, create content and be a vocal part of the website.

I am going to Give you 2 Fully Functional Web 2.0 Joomla Websites

You'll learn how to manage the Community/Membership sites that I will *personally* install on YOUR domains.

This is YOUR website. I'm going to do the difficult part of building it so you can leave here with the easy part of running it. (This alone is a $2500 value for each site!)

Your community/membership will be able to do so many things, you will wonder how it all can happen under one roof, for example, here are some of the components that I will install for you to create the perfect site for your customers or members...

And if you don't want to use one of them, you just unpublish it, it is THAT SIMPLE, I will show you how!!



Community Builder
- Have people become members for free or by paid subscription

Members can then...

-Create their own Personal Profile,
-Have their own Personal Blog,
-Have their own Photo Board,
-Have their own Guest Book,
-Make Friends with other members,
-Email other members, and
-Comment on other members pages


Market Place Classifieds
-Include Classified Ads easily with over 100 standard Classified Categories to get you going.

-Utilize a complete Product Catalogue & Shopping Cart system.

Video Content
-Provide your visitors Audio & Video content. Easily
upload your own videos, or share videos from providers such as YouTube & Google Video and many more.


-Keep track of your groups' events.
- MULTIPLY your content quickly & easily by adding recurring events to your calendar with the extcal componet.



Subscription Manager
-Offer paid memberships and manage multiple types of payments
- Charge for access to your membership sites quickly & easily. This component hooks in with: Paypal, Authorize.Net, viaKLIX, AlloPass, 2Checkout, & epsNetpay. (It's ok if you don't know what that means ;-)


Forum Board
-Allow members to talk to each other through forum and discussion boards on your site.
-Create multiple topics to communicate with your members.
  Recipe Exchange
-If you want a recipe exchange site, then we have a component for you! -Let your members share, vote and comment on each other's recipes.
  Banner Rotation
-Put multiple banners on your site and collect revenue from affiliate programs, or sell your own products to members.
  Polls and Quizzes
-Create polls or quizzes easily to keep
them members on your pages longer, and find out what's on their minds to better tailor your site to them.
  Hot or Not Photos
- Have your members vote on photos that they have uploaded to your site. This is always fun, no matter if you are voting on food photos, flower photos or the newest member.
  News on Your Site
-Add a constant stream of news to keep your members up-to-date on current events on your topic.
-Let other folks get content from your site by RSS feeds. (Don't know what that means, don't worry about it, I'll teach you. :-)
  Google Site Map Manager
-Automatically submit to Google Site Map so Google spiders your site.
  Mass Mail
-Keep in contact with your members by emailing them all
at once.
-Setup your site to be a Podcasting Site.
  Recommend Us to a Friend
-Have your member recommend your site to a friend and send them an email right from your site.
  Link to Us
-Help your site's search engine placement by giving your
visitors the information they need to link to you.
  Link Exchange
-Make it easy for your visitors to add their own links to your site. Easily configure to require them to link to you first.
  Google Site Maps
-Have a complete Google
Site Map, ready for submission to Google.

Here's some examples of some sites I just put up.


Example: WisdomRock.com

Example: SEONitro.com


Because I have a yearly membership at RocktTheme.com, I am able to provide your sites as my clients any of their VERY cool templates. Check out just some of them here and then go to RocketTheme.com and look a the rest.


Probably just as important as giving you the sites...

I am going to show you how to use and manage your Web 2.0 Community Website

We are going to cover ALL the basics of Joomla Administration Panel so you go home knowing exactly how to manage your site to the level of sucess you choose. Here is just some of the Basics Covered...


-how to work with the administrative panel and make global changes
-how to install and change templates - go and choose one.
-how to install and move modules
-how to create pages and link to them
-how to create menus and submenus
-how to install and use components
-how to upload and use pictures
-how to create and use sections and categories
-how to put up adsense
-how to link to other sites
-how to insert ANY HTML
-how to create and use a forum on your site
-how to create a link exchange program
-how to create a recommend us
-how to change styles on your template in the html.

And then we are going to jump into some cool stuff like..

-how to use wrappers

-how to use the template chooser
-how to put banners on your site
-how to create and use polls
-how to rotate images from your flicker account
-how to create put video on your site
-how to create a podcast and put it on your site

I am going to share with you some basic SEO strategies that will get you headed in the right direction and get your site on page one of Google. This is not anywhere near what you would get in my SEO workshop, but it is indeed treasured and gaurded infomation (remember, SEO is my bread and butter and what I spoke at Yanik's underground Seminar about and was voted best speaker at Jeff Johnson's Seminar for!)

I am going to host 2 live WEBINARS that is all about answering your questions so you don't get stuck for long!

One is BEFORE the workshop to help you with any of the pre-workshop assignments so you are here and ready to leap forward even faster. The other will be AFTER the workshop so just in case you get stuck on something I am there to help you out.

Can make it to the Workshop itself? Don't worry.

All the demonstrations will be recorded so attendance is not even necessary but why would you want to miss the fun and get your hand held ;-)

But that's not all!

Before you even get here, you've got homework! I give you step-by-step instructional videos on...

Also called a URL a domain name is a unique ID that you put into a browser window to get to your website. I'll show you how to look for good domain names how to purchase them without getting taken for additions you don't need.

You'll need to purchase at least one before you get here so we can set up your websites on it. :-)

After you buy your domain, you'll need to host it. A host is just a company that has servers so your domain is accessible to the Internet. I'll tell you who to host with, and exactly which hosting account to get so you don't get ripped off.

Hosting is probably what stops most folks from getting online as it seems to be techy. But, it's really not. I'll show you *exactly* what buttons to push to make it run. :-)

Get the Ability to Accept Credit Cards!

If you're going to sell products or services, you'll need a merchant account. This again is really easy but seems to stop folks.

Even though you need to apply for it, I promise, I'll make it simple, and you will be approved (well, 99% ;-)

And for you Eagar Beavers I am then going to put up additional videos made exclusivley for this class so if you choose, you can get a head start on building your sites.

Then when you get here, my assistants and I will help you get over the hurdles you have come across (and everyone comes across them LOL and you will too) so we can then get you mastering the cool stuff faster.


You must be sure to view all the videos and have your homework
completed BEFORE attending the workshop to get
the most out of your time here.

And of course, that is NOT ALL...

I am going to give you ALL of my WebBasic Demonstration Videos that will get you newbies more oppoutunity to learn the basics even though you missed my last classes. Videos include...


-adding an email account
-checking email
-adding on a domain
-password protect your site

-install a WordPress Blog on your site
-your admin panel
-writing posts
-creating categories
-putting links on your Blog using Blogroll
-the options page
-creating pages
-changing templates
-working with users
-delete your blog

-changing content on the Front Page
-linking to other pages on your site
-moving menu items
-section and categories
-link to a component

Domain Registration
-changing nameservers


This is going to be a small intimate group that will ultimately
drive the course of the weekend. By the weekend's end,
it'll be an intense mastermind group.

Get What *YOU* Need

Even though there'll be a lot of time to work and ask questions, we'll also...

Go Over *YOUR* Business and Goals

You'll leave with step-by-step instructions tailored to YOUR business and goals.

I'll to make sure you know exactly what to do and HOW to do it when you get home.

This is a *working* weekend and you'll be working on your business so please bring your laptop computer! All rooms in both houses and the guest cottage are wired up for wireless internet. :-)

Now here's where it gets REALLY GOOD and UNHEARD OF!!

I will House You! &
I will
Feed You!

...and I'll probably entertain you (I'm known for letting loose around the weekend nightly bon fires ;) I might even let you drink some of my cherished red wine from the local wineries (Amador County is KNOWN for its Zinfandels ;-)

We have 2 properties side-by-side. Both are 10 acres with animals roaming around. But it's really not what you think when you hear the word *ranch*. It's more like a *resort* and my friends NEVER want to leave. Check it out below...

(and here's a picture of one of last years trainings. We either set up the table in a classroom style (as you see), or we position it in a square so everyone faces each other)

The best way to learn is in small, intimate groups. That's why I limit workshops to 10 people maximum at a time.

I am not into the self promoting so much but here are just some of the gushy (I love it though ;-) unsolicited comments emailed to me from my SEO Intensive graduates.

  'OH MY GOD.....Was it my imagination or did we have a great time stuffing TKP into our brains this past weekend?...If the March class goes half as well those people are in for the treat of their life!'  

  'Thank you for a great weekend. I really appreciate everything you did for me and your hospitality and kindness are phenomenal.'  

  ''Thanks for a Fantasic Weekend!...I just wanted to tell you that I had a really fantastic time at the TKP Intensive. I'm all chock full of valuable information, which is great, but I also had a wonderful time getting to know a little about you, Jill and the rest of the guests.'

  'The stuff that was shared over the weekend really took me to a new level with this stuff!'  

  'You have an amazing place and it is very obvious that you have gone to a lot of trouble to make it as welcoming as possible.
Thanks for everything!'

  'about the weekend... it was over the edge!'  


Here's the bad news. Dori Friend does not teach very much. She really does not have to teach at all, since she fills up most of her time with her very successful Internet work and her two ranches. If you haven't heard of her, you will. Dori is the go-to gal for most of the most successful Internet marketing people. That's because she's the technical person, the one who understands what Internet marketers must do in terms of the technology in order to succeed and ... how to make it happen.
If you ever get the opportunity to see or hear Dori teach, take it!! Quit your job, leave your spouse, go AWOL, or whatever you have to do, but grab the chance. Here's why.
Dori literally lets you in to "her world." I attended a newbie technology seminar that was held on her ranch. It's not just a working ranch, it's a working Internet business. During my seminar, I got to see Dori's office (my TV screen isn't as big as her computer screen), eavesdrop on Dori's colleagues discussing various Internet ventures, and got hours of hands-on instruction. Dori's classes are not formal. My class was a working weekend where we built a couple of sites with Dori explaining, watching, and showing us some tricks of the trade. I even got to meet her parents and play with her dogs. That's how generous Dori is.
It was an awesome program not just because of the technology (which is her strength) but also because it gave me a vision of what an Internet business and Internet lifestyle could be. What's more I left knowing that I could DO what she was talking about. Sometimes you feel great in an Internet seminar till you get home and realize you don't have the technical know-how to pull off what you just learned. You won't have a techno-hang-over after he programs!
Dori says she wants to teach some more programs. If she does, grab them. There really isn't a way to put a price tag on what you can get from this kind of thing. Dori literally shortened my learning curve by about one year in just four days. How much is a year worth? Plus, she's a lot of fun. But despite her generosity and knack for teaching, she doesn't have a whole lot of time for this sort of thing, and I'm afraid one day she'll just opt out of the teaching business. 
Dori didn't ask me to write this. She's not paying me, she never even encouraged me, in fact, I don't even know if she uses many testimonials.  I'm just saying this because when I originally heard about her course, I was on the fence. If you are too, take my word for it. This is one program that's worth the investment of your time and money. 
Now for a word of warning. Bring a good attitude, an open mind, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Dori is not afraid to talk and explain some pretty complicated technical concepts. The things she asks you to do in the class are not always easy. I think everyone in my group hit some speed bumps here and there. If this is the sort of thing that would make you give up, stay away. Besides the content of the course, the course also taught that Internet mindset: the idea that if it doesn't work one way, you try it another way, and if it still doesn't work, you get a cup of coffee and try it yet another way. This is not a program for wimps, crybabies, or people who just want to whine. But if you're serious and willing to do the heavy lifting for a few days to wrap your mind around some very important concepts for your business ... you will be stunned at how much you can get out of just a few days with Dori!!
Jo Ann LeQuang

And the winner for the gushyest goes to this blog post, I blush just reading it LOL http://www.michaelalmshook.com

  March 7, 2007

How to get good at what you want to do

I spent some time recently at Dori Friend’s ranch in Ione, California, close by the Sacramento delta region. She has a beautiful peaceful place with horses, 4 very friendly Labrador dogs, ducks, geese, chickens and many cats. She loves animals and each one fo them knows they are well loved. They are some of the friendliest animals I have ever met. My collie dog, Clancy was very interested in how my clothes smelled when I got back.

In case you don’t know who Dori is, if you are going to Yanik’s Underground Seminar this year, you will get a chance to meet her. She is one of Yanik’s secret underground agents and she is very good at what she does. And what she does is Adsense and affiliate marketing. Well, actually what she does is bring a ton of traffic to her sites with Adsense ads and affiliate products on them. Its already public knowledge in Yanik’s promotional emails, so I don’t mind saying that last year, she earned over $800,000 USD last year with the strategy she will be teaching at Yanik’s.

What she has done is set up one of the houses on her property as a classroom and she taught a small group of us her system for making this kind of money. It was nothing short of amazing. Not only is she smart, a great marketer, but she has developed this system which stands head and shoulders above any Adsense system I have ever seen, and I have most of them. John Barkers’s, Joel Comm’s, Michael Green’s and dozens of “secret technique” courses and ebooks. Nothing compares to what I learned there at Dori’s ranch. I was very, very impressed with her skills.

What impressed me even more though, was her hospitality, generosity and good nature. When I got there and went to my cabin, wating for me was a bouquet of fresh flowers, freshly ground coffee for the morning, one of those really nice robes like they give you in the really nice hotels, chocolates for my pillow and a small freshly picked rose placed on my towels.

I was stunned.

I’ve been around the Internet for a while and I have never been treated as good as that anywhere. And that was just the beginning. We went on to have all our meals prepared for us, campfires in the firepit, and bottles of great wine every night.

I came home very spoiled. :-)

But mostly I came home with a ton of knowledge and the expertise to put her system into place. Just by treating me as a guest in her home instead of someone to sell product to, she overcame my natural skeptical defenses (without meaning to) and I became a lifelong customer and friend. And I will easily double my income by the end of the year.

Quality, consistency and honesty — three good traits in marketing. Dori Friend has them all.


Let me answer some common questions.

Q. Do I need a computer?

A. Yes, you'll need to bring your own or a borrowed laptop that's Internet capable.

Q. Do I have to purchase any software?

A. No. You don't have to purchase any but if you want to use a Shopping Cart or Auto Responder, you'll need to sign-up for those services. They'll run you between $19.95 - $29 a month.

Q. What if I don't know what type of site I want? Can I have you build the community site later?

A. Yes, of course. If you know you want to learn but don't have anything specific to build at the moment, I'll install your community site whenever you're ready.

Q. What if I have special dietary needs?

A. No problem! We'll get you the food you need. Just let us know beforehand.

Q. Do you have private rooms available?

A. Yes. We have both private and shared rooms. Private rooms cost a bit more.

Q. How much computer experience do I need?

A. You'll need to be able to get online, know how to browse the Internet, and have basic keyboarding skills.

Q. Will your solutions work on a MAC?

A. Yes! Remember, I used to work for Apple so all of the solutions I have for you are browser based. They work through your Internet browser and don't have to be installed on your computer. Thus everyone can use them. :-)

Q. What if I can't make it to your Ranch for the on-site part of the Intensive.

A. That is ok, you still get all the videos, the two webinars for some hand holding and videos of ALL the demonstrations that I do here.

So what's this going to cost?

I did a price survey awhile back and asked folks what they'd be willing to pay for Basic Training. The folks who answered in the range where it would not be feasible for me to offer this aren't the type of folks I want to teach anyway because they're the types who are looking to get something for nothing. Then they usually complain about it. You know the ones.

And workshops are just WAY too much work for me prior, during, and in cleaning up afterwards for it to be next-to-free. That's not to mention the money I'd lose in lost time not spent on my other businesses.

But, it's not expensive either! I priced it only to make it worth my time, and to make sure the folks who come are serious and business-minded, not grumpy, nothing works, tire kickers I just spoke of. If that even slightly resembles you, don’t come!

The community site I'm going to give you to manage is alone worth $2500 dollars! That's what designers like myself charge businesses to create your not run-of-the-mill websites.

Let me list what you get again...

  Lodging at my ranch/resort for 5 days, 4 nights

All dates are Thursdays through Monday. We work all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then let loose around the fire-pit at night :-)

  All of your tasty meals provided
    You will get pleanty of great things to eat starting with organic eggs in the morning to ribs, hot links and burgers at night with tons of sweet snacks throughout the day!
  3 FULL days of instruction

You'll leave here with a head full of "know how" and a blueprint of what you need to do when you get home that is tailored to YOUR business and goals.

No longer will you be dependent on your webmaster.

No longer will you look like a deer in headlights when someone mentions c-panel hosting, wordpress blogs, joomla community sites, auto responders, shopping carts,or merchant accounts!

You will finally get the How To!

You will have ALL the Basics under your belt to explode your internet carreer!

  You are also going to leave with...

Two Web 2.0 Community sites worth $2500 each
Sites like this have been sold for Billions of dollars. Of course that was after they built up a massive membership, but they all started small and unknown. You will have the SAME technology to build the SAME thing!


Professional Templates
You would have to pay $250 to get a membership at RocketTheme to get the templates I am able to give you as my customers. And these are REALLY nice templates!


All Demonstration Videos
So if you can't make the weekend or need a reminder of what we did, you get ALL of the instructional videos so you can get the step-by-step instruction you need any time you need it.


SEO Basics
You are going to learn how to get your site to page one on Google so when you leave you can start moving your site up the search engines.

  Two Webinars
One is BEFORE the workshop to help you with any of the pre-workshop assignments so you are here and ready to leap forward even faster. The other will be AFTER the workshop so just in case you get stuck on something I am there to help you out.
  And before you even get here I am going to give you vidoes that will give you step-by-step instruction to

Purchase a domain name


Get a good domain name for the right price. I will show you where to go and how to buy it so you don't end up buying a ton of stuff you don't need!


Host your domain name

    With the account I show you how to buy and set up, you will be able to host hundreds of domains on it for peanuts. You are going to learn how easy it is to get a site up fast!


  Apply for a merchant account
    Accept credit cards online anytime day or night without you lifting a finger. I show you which merchant account the big boys use to handle their inflow of money.
  Joomla Videos
    And for you Eagar Beavers I am then going to put up additional videos made exclusivley for this class so if you choose, you can get a head start on building your sites.

So I ask you...

How much is it worth to FINALLY get on the Internet and start actually DOING what everyone else is talking about? To finally work from home and telling the boss to shove it!!

How much is it worth to FINALLY get rid of all the folks who are charging you or volunteering that take a month and a half to make those simple changes you requested on your website?

How much is it worth to you to FINALLY,... FINALLY take action so you don't have to think of yourself as one of the losers who sat by and watched as all the others kicked butt, took the glory, and drove the car of your dreams into the sunset?

How much???

I would pay at least $10,000 for that!

And, I have paid a lot more! Really, I even paid $25,000 to participate in a coaching club!! And that doesn't include what I spent on countless seminars, tapes, and teleseminars putting all this stuff together.

But that's NOT what I'm charging. Not even $5,000 or even $2,500. I might be crazy but I want everyone to be able to come without hardship.

Bottom line is...

I'm only charging a flat $1k per person...

...for shared rooms, and $1295 for private rooms. ($250 additional for a spouse or sig other if you get a private room that you'll share with them.)

With that price tag, I can cover my costs and make it worth my time, too.

That's is a very, VERY fair price. If you can’t see the value in this, then please pass. There's nowhere else you're going to get the personal attention for an entire 5-day weekend from an experienced Internet marketer who will house you and feed you. Nowhere!

May 2-4

So don't hesitate to reserve your seat as they won't last long.

Now Available
Web 2.0 Joomla Intensive
1 More Spring SESSION ONLY!

June 6-8th

(Only 4 Seats Left!)

Links are LIVE!

Click here to Reserve your Seat!

We'll start at 10am Friday and end late Sunday afternoon. You're encouraged to come Thursday night in order to have plenty of time to get settled and get your computer online.

I live 1 hour from the Sacramento airport and 2.5 hours from the San Francisco airport. You'll be sent my address with directions.

This is truly a rare opportunity for the price of what your lodging and food alone would cost anywhere else.

Reserve Your Seat

(Only 4 Seats Left!)

Links are LIVE!

Click here to Reserve your Seat!


Dori Friend

P.S. Once these spots are gone, that's it. There'll be NO exceptions. If you want the special attention in this intimate setting, you MUST be one of the 10.

P.S.S. Nowhere are you going to find an experienced Internet marketer willing to take you into their home, to feed you and to give you the training you need at this price, nowhere!

P.S.S.S. And if you can't make the on-site part of the Intensive, that is OK, you get ALL the videos and can be here via video telecommunication!



3451 Dry Creek Road, Ione CA 95640

Cancellation Policy: You can cancel up to one week prior to event for full credit towards another event.